Thursday, April 21, 2022

Exactly What Are The Advantages Of Using Epoxy Resin Pegboards You Might Ask?

Epoxy resin pegboards are well-known in labs all over the globe for their mechanical properties and tenacity, and with good reason. Equipoise resin pegboards are constructed from a form of plastic that cures as a solid and is composed of silica and resin, as well as hardeners and fillers, and are reinforced with fiber.

Because of their outstanding strength and durability, epoxy resin pegboards have long been a popular option among lab furniture manufacturers and designers. They are almost indestructible and can resist repeated strong contact and pressure without splitting, splintering, or breaking, making them ideal for use in construction.

Epoxy resin pegboards perform similarly to heavy-duty materials such as stainless steel in the majority of laboratory settings. Additionally, fillers such as natural fibers, silica, or metals can be used to enhance the already excellent strength of epoxy resin, as well as to provide aesthetic value to the product.

Additionally, in addition to its extraordinary tensile strength, epoxy resin is also resistant to a variety of corrosive agents such as acids, alkalis, solvents, and liquids, allowing it to withstand frequent and ongoing exposure to harsh agents without being damaged. Due to the non-porous and smooth nature of epoxy resin pegboards, they do not absorb liquids such as water and are hence resistant to spills and dampness.

When purchasing an epoxy resin pegboard, there are several factors to consider.

If you are thinking about getting an epoxy resin pegboard for your laboratory, there are a few something to bear in mind before making your decision.


The two types of epoxy resin pegboards available on the market are characterized by their orientation: one is designed for vertical wall mounting, while the other is designed for horizontal wall mounting. Both are known in a variety of sizes.

A vertical pegboard system, which allows you to hang tools and accessories vertically while saving horizontal space, is particularly useful while working in cramped quarters. Vertical configurations are often broader than horizontal configurations and may be extended sideways to accommodate things such as saws and drills.

When selecting the orientation of your preference, take into account the available space and project needs before making your purchase.


Pegboards are available in a number of different sizes. Small pegboards are typically utilized for distant purposes, such as counter displays, but bigger boards are commonly seen in garages and workshops. Before you purchase a pegboard, make sure to thoroughly measure the amount of space you have available for it.

Depth of the hole

Small pegboard holes and big pegboard holes are the two sizes of epoxy resin pegboard holes that may be found on a pegboard. The 1/8 inch deep holes on small-hole pegboards mean that only 1/8 inch pegboard hooks will fit in them, making them perfect for fragile products and little jobs.

Large pegboard holes, on the other hand, feature 1/4-inch-diameter holes that can take 1/4-inch-diameter pegs or hooks, making them suitable for hanging heavier laboratory items.

High-Quality Epoxy Resin Pegboards with ResinTops are available for purchase.

No matter if you're designing a new lab from the bottom up or remodeling your existing workstation, selecting the appropriate laboratory furniture may be a difficult and time-consuming task for any lab manager. It is for this reason that epoxy countertops are so beneficial. Not only can they aid in the organization of your laboratory, but the use of various types of epoxy resin pegboards may also save you time and money in the process.

Trying to figurine out what kind of epoxy countertops you need for your lab workspace? If this is the case, ResinTops would like to assist you in locating the most appropriate epoxy resin pegboards for your laboratory.

The epoxy countertops and epoxy resin pegboards available from ResinTops are ideal for even the most demanding laboratory applications. Making use of the most delinquent in manufacturing technology, as well as our 30 years of sales and design experience in the field of high-quality laboratory equipment, we're happy to be the chosen choice for all of your lab furniture requirements.

For more information on our extensive range of epoxy countertops, please contact us now for a free quotation. We look forward to learning more about your requirements for high-quality laboratory furniture and assisting you in your search.

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